Modern Education of new generation

VR Edu Pack is a comprehensive, well-thought-out, and secure concept for utilizing the benefits of VR/AR in primary and secondary school education.
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Experience instead of cramming

VR Edu Pack brings a digitally created environment in which the user immerses themselves and interacts with it just like in the real world.
Contents of VR Edu Pack

The benefits of VR in education

Motivation and attention

enhanced by an attractive teaching style.

Learning by experience

improves memorability and emotional involvement.


pupils with the teacher, between individual pupils and via remote connection.

Individual approach

supports the needs & pace of every student.

Strengthening the role of the teacher

who acts as a guide, with student’s technical support.

Discover things that you wouldn't see in regular education.

VR Edu Pack allows you to observe and understand up close, for example
cell structure, motor mechanics or complex chemical reactions.

Reinforce and test your
knowledge with
augmented reality (AR)

A QR code on the worksheet, linked to a tablet or smartphone, displays 3D models that are related to the material being taught.
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170+ models

We regularly add new 3D models that take VR learning to a new level. 


The 3D models aid in understanding mathematical calculations and differences between various shapes.


Thanks to the 3D models, we can visualize chemical actions and reactions that are otherwise invisible in reality.


3D models can be disassembled and assembled. Learning is fascinating and better retained.


The models aid imagination and vividly depict even the smallest organisms in detail.

More about the software

Learning with VR Edu Pack is easy a intuitive

Students collaborate, communicate and move around in a shared virtual space. The teacher simply controls and monitors the learning environment, locks and unlocks opportunities for team and individual work.

VR Edu Pack includes
complete solution for education with VR and AR. 

VR Edu Club
Explore all that VR Edu Pack has to offer.
More about the content

VR Edu Pack brings modern education and prestige to your school.

The VR Edu Pack fulfills all the parameters to acquire digital equipment under the National Recovery Plan. The plan explicitly provides for glasses and VR/AR software as digital aids.

Verified by Schools

The VR Edu Pack is designed for primary school level 2,
secondary schools, grammar schools, lyceums and vocational secondary schools. 

Satisfied schools


children who are educated in a modern way


„Our vision was to bring modern technology closer to the students. We were searching for a way, and education in a virtual environment fascinated us. We started looking for possibilities and came across the product of Virtual Lab, which we liked very much.“ 

Ing. Martin Irein

Ředitel ZŠ M. Pujmanové, Havířov

What teachers think about VR Edu Pack?

Unique software in combination with high quality hardware.

Software Edu Lab provides students with a new perspective on the subject matter being covered.
Thanks to VR Edu Pack, most subjects can now be taught through 3D models.

Why choose VR Edu Pack?

Easy to use and set up.

Supporting learning in areas where students often fail. 

The multifunctional VR classroom serves all grades, fields, and subjects.

Ability to add and edit your own 3D model content. 

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Frequently asked questions


Does the whole lesson have to be conducted in VR?

Don't worry, the VR Edu Pack technology is primarily used to further explain challenging or difficult-to-imagine areas of the curriculum. So, on average, 15 minutes in VR is enough, it's entirely up to you.


How expensive is it? 

The prices of the packages depend on the quantity of hardware, that is, VR glasses, and possibly computers. Take a look at our packages here.


What is the role of the educator?

The educator guides the students through the lesson using VR, which they control and monitor via a computer. Learn more about the role of the teacher here.


Does the teacher also need to wear VR glasses when teaching?  

The teacher primarily controls VR through the computer, where they see the same image as the students in their glasses. Therefore, it is not necessary for the teacher to use VR glasses. 


Is our school computer enough?

Yes. If our IT specialist evaluates your computer as sufficiently powerful, then the price of the package is reduced by the cost of the computer, which would normally be included in the package.  


Where do we get the models and applications? 

Basic models and applications are included in each of the packages and more here. However, each of the educators can contribute to the development of new models that will precisely meet the needs of you and your students.


Do you have any specific practical experiences from colleagues? 

You can find all the experiences and references from both educators and students here.


What kind of equipment will we receive as part of the package? 

Each package includes VR Edu Pack software and hardware - glasses and possibly a computer if your current one is not suitable. You can view the exact contents of the packages here.


Can it make me sick? 

Don't worry, even though VR Edu Pack offers a truly immersive experience comparable to reality, it usually doesn't cause any discomfort or motion sickness. 

Víte, že moderní a inovativní výuku můžete financovat z běžně dostupných dotací?
Virtuální a rozšířená realita otevírají dveře k zážitkové pedagogice, která zlepšuje zapamatovatelnost a rozvíjí představivost žáků.

Pořiďte moderní technologie díky těmto programům:

  • NPO na podporu digitální propasti
  • Šablony
  • DVPP
  • Kontaktujte nás, a my vám pomůžeme najít řešení, jak tyto technologie financovat!
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